
Friday, September 21, 2012

Low Fat Korean Quesadillas

Korean Quesadilla

We loved this!

From our archives...we made this during our first time going through Consolidation.  We just threw it together since we had tortillas and cheese leftover from our Low Fat Filipino Bistek Quesadillas.   It was tasty!

Serves 2
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes

2 fat free tortillas
1 cup shredded rotisserie chicken, fat removed
8 - 10 slices of cucumber, you can slice them thinner than we did
1-2 T. gochujang (Korean hot pepper paste, contains some sugar)
splash of sesame oil
1 c. fat free cheddar cheese, shredded
1/4 c. low fat Jarlsberg Swiss Cheese cut into small pieces (we got ours at Costco) - optional

Chicken mixture after stir frying
In a wok, stir fry cucumbers with a splash of sesame oil.  When cucumbers start to soften, add chicken and gochujang.  Stir fry until hot.  Remove from heat and cover.  In the meantime, heat a grill pan, spray with a little bit of non stick spray and place one tortilla on the pan.  Toast tortilla on both sides, approximately 2 minutes on each side.  Sprinkle some cheese on half the tortilla, spoon half your chicken mixture over the cheese.  Sprinkle more cheese on the chicken mixture, then fold tortilla in half.    Grill both sides of the quesadilla until cheese is melted.  Remove from pan, cut in half and serve.

We had ours plain...but you can serve this with salsa, hot sauce or more gochujang paste.

Enjoy...we sure did!

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