
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Dukan Update, Voggy Skies and Sunsets

Voggy Skies of Honolulu - it was worse earlier in the week.  Our poor
tourist, we promise, it doesn't usually look like this!
Last week we decided we needed to throw in some Attack Days.  Whenever we restart the Dukan Diet, our formula always ends up being 4 days of Attack, so 4 days it was.  It wasn't as difficult as the very first time we tried the Dukan Diet.  The first time around - major sugar cravings.  We didn't mind cutting out the fat from our diet -- it actually made our bodies less sluggish, but the sugar cravings, eeek.  This time around, someone offered us homemade brownies of Day Two of our Attack Phase and without hesitation we politely declined the treat.  Hooray!

The first couple of days of Attack we really just ate store bought items due to our work schedules -- poke (seasoned fish), sashimi (slices of raw fish), AppleGate Farms sliced turkey (we like the taste, just not the price), etc.  This past weekend we made it a point to cook low fat meals that fit into the Dukan Diet.  We're prepping those photos and recipes for the blog!  After 4 days of Attack, we haven't seen any weight loss in numbers :-(, but a look in the mirror and taking some measurements shows improvement!

Oahu Sunset
Friday's dinner was a flop.  It wasn't horrible, but we didn't care for the taste.  Before we found out about the Dukan Diet we started collecting recipes from blogs -- we found a Thai woman's blog and the recipe sounded great.  One of the main ingredients is cinnamon but it's a little too much for our tastes.  We won't post the recipe, the end product didn't even look appetizing!

Instead we'll share with you a couple photos taken while we were preparing the flopped dinner!  As we cleaned our chicken, we peeked out the window and noticed how beautiful the sky was...a nice way to end our voggy week :-)

Oahu Sunset - HDR

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