
Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Another Weekend of No Cooking!

I've already announced to the male half this will be a non-cooking weekend for us.  It's Merrie Monarch weekend starting from this evening.  Merrie Monarch is known to many as the Olympics of Hula.  My annual tradition is to watch the three day event (6 hours each night) with my hula friends.  There's also other televised programs related to Merrie Monarch starting tonight and it's their 50th Anniversary.  So, needless to say, I'll be spending a lot of time curled up in front of a tv watching the competition.

We're already thinking about what we can pick up food-wise.  Poke or seasoned raw fish will probably be on the list as well as a salad or two.  Trying very hard not to cheat since we've been exercising daily and although the pounds haven't dropped off, the body fat percentage has dropped a little.  The male half (although he has no weight to lose) is now taking the stairs to his 8th floor office twice a day.  I've been doing a mix of cardio and strength exercises.

We may try to squeeze an easy meal before meeting up with some out of town guests but we are also working on some home improvement that may take up most of our non-Merrie Monarch time this weekend.

We do have a couple recipes scheduled to post tomorrow and next week!

That's our update for now :-)

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