
Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Our Official Second Attack

First of all, we're happy to report our the official start of our second time around on the Dukan Diet is off to a good start.  Last July, we both went on the Dukan Diet - the male half really just setting out to manage his cholesterol, lose a couple of pounds and support the female half by not complaining about what we eat ha ha!  The female half set out to lose 20 pounds and by October of 2011, almost reached the 20 pound goal.  We were able to maintain the weight loss for several months, then slowly buy surely gained several pounds back.

Summer was busy with out of town guests, illnesses and traveling.  We are back on track now and are restarting the Dukan Diet.  It really has been the only diet that's work for us.  The South Beach Diet and others we've managed to lose a few pounds, but never over 5 pounds.  This past summer we were still making low fat choices - as in lower fat meats, fish, no mayo, we rarely cook with butter, etc.  The desserts is what killed us.  The other week we both got on the was no surprise the female half had gained weight but the male half gained 3 pounds!  

We've completed our 4 day Attack (well, the female half did, the male half decided he would eat the same low fat items, but he is going to be in Consolidation so he can have his one serving of red or brown rice with his meal).  The female half is right on target...the Dukan Chart said 4 pounds would be lost if we stuck to the plan and we did!  Yay!  The first two days were difficult with sugar and carb cravings.  By day three, the cravings went away and it was easier to serve the male half his serving of rice!

Here's a run down of the differences between our first and second try.

2011 Attack: Almost reached our first goal (we were about 2 pounds shy of our first goal).  Followed the Dukan rules exactly as laid out.  We planned our meals out, but our mistake was having the same thing for our meals and snacks...meaning we had chicken for breakfast, morning snack, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.  By the third day, we were sick of eating the same thing.  We did the required 20 minutes of walking each day.  

2012 Attack: Reached our first goal a day ahead of schedule.  Followed the Dukan rules with a few small exceptions - but did not compromise on the refined sugar rule.  We planned our meals again, but changed it up this time - except for breakfast, we can eat yogurt with oat bran every morning.  Here's what we consumed:

Day 1
Breakfast - 1 container nonfat vanilla yogurt with 1 1/2 T. oat bran
Morning Snack - low fat turkey and ham slices
Lunch - ahi and salmon poke
Afternoon Snack - none, bought too much poke
Dinner - Dukan Cuban Style Burgers (recipe will be posted soon)
Drinks - water and zero calorie sparkling water
Exercise - 44 minutes of Zumba, low impact

Day 2
Breakfast - 1 container nonfat vanilla yogurt with 1 1/2 T. oat bran
Morning Snack - 5 grilled chicken pieces
Lunch - salmon sashimi, shrimp, ahi poke (from a different place)
Afternoon Snack - none
Dinner - 3 pieces Korean BBQ grilled chicken, no skin, etc.
Drinks - water, diet coke and zero calorie sparkling water
Exercise - none :-(

Day 3
Breakfast - 1 container nonfat vanilla yogurt with 1 1/2 T. oat bran
Morning Snack - 5 grilled chicken pieces
Lunch - Dukan Turkey and Ham Bake (recipe will be posted soon)
Afternoon Snack - low fat ham pieces
Dinner - Dukan Thyme Pork Chops with Shallots (recipe will be posted soon)
Drinks - water and zero calorie sparkling water
Exercise - 46 minutes Zumba, medium impact

Day 4

Breakfast - 1 container nonfat vanilla yogurt with 1 1/2 T. oat bran
Morning Snack - low fat turkey pieces
Lunch - Dukan Orange Chicken
Afternoon Snack - leftover Dukan Turkey and Ham Bake
Dinner - Salmon and ahi poke
Drinks - water and zero calorie sparkling water
Exercise - 20 minutes Zumba, low impact

We're really looking forward to the bag of broccoli florets in our fridge!

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