
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Back to cooking this weekend

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and planning for a fun New Years.  We took a break from the kitchen this week - we baked and cooked up until Christmas night and are pooped out.  We have two more holiday gatherings -- one tonight and actually several on New Year's Eve.

Not sure what it's like on New Year's Eve in your part of the world, but New Year's Eve here is really a mix of traditions from various cultures.  Our island used to be big on in, individual households burning hundreds (and for some, thousands) of dollars worth of fireworks, tons of traditional and non-traditional foods being served at New Year's Eve parties like plates of sashimi or raw fish, traditional Japanese sushi rolls (non traditional sushi too), mochi or a sweet glutinous rice dessert in all kinds of shapes and flavors, etc etc.  Not too many healthy things on the menu!

On Christmas we managed to eat sort of healthy -- we made a Zucchini Lasagna which was great but very cheesy, skipped the bread and dessert.  We'll post that recipe in 2013.  We have our Whole Wheat Baked Rigatoni recipe ready but I forgot to download the pics from my camera, so that will have to wait a few more days.

This weekend we're hoping to make a couple dishes using won bok or Chinese cabbage (also known as Napa cabbage) and takenoko or bamboo shoots.  With New Years coming up, Marukai, our local Japanese food store has a lot of these items on sale.   We'll be making some non-Dukan and non-Paleo items for the 4 New Year's Eve gatherings we are attending -- debating on whether or not to post those recipes.

Once a week we've prepared a Paleo meal -- yes, the male half of this couple survived no-starch meals, hooray!  In place of the starch he usually eats, I usually increase the amount of vegetables he gets.  No complaints from him yet :-)  Starting January, we'll ease into 2 or 3 no to low starch meals and hopefully will be grain free within a month or two...hopefully.

We've continued to research the Paleo diet -- quite a few of the recipes will have to wait since I am still trying to lose weight and don't want to add coconut milk, any kind of flour, and too much fat to my diet.  It's looking like we'll do a modified Paleo diet to being with.  I can't seem to get the male half of this couple to commit 100% but he did say if he starts to feel like a 27 year old again, then he'll be sold on Caveman eating :-)

That's our update for now.  Hope everyone has a fun and safe New Year's Eve!

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