
Monday, December 24, 2012

Product Review: Victoria All Natural Marinara Sauce

Photo from the Victoria
Fine Foods Website

For the male half's birthday, we made a Baked Rigatoni.  We had a ton of baking to do that night so making our own Mushroom Marinara was out of the question.  The other night, luckily I happened to take a peek at the marinara sauces at Costco expecting to only find sauces loaded with junk stuff but was quite happy to find Victoria's All Natural Marinara Sauce.

It's Dukan friendly on PV days and Paleo friendly!

We decided to use the sauce as is although we were tempted to add some balsamic vinegar and fennel seeds to add some additional flavor...we really wanted to get the true taste of this marinara the first time around.  A note about balsamic vinegar, most websites will tell you balsamic vinegar is not Paleo friendly, but many still use it in moderation...that's the key, in moderation.  We would have used about a teaspoon for one jar...I think that qualifies as "in moderation" :-)

We both enjoyed Victoria's All Natural Marinara Sauce.  For us, it had that slight tang/zest to it...still debating whether or not to adjust the flavor with balsamic vinegar.  It's definitely a nice alternative to making your own when you don't have the time.  We'll be stocking up on this sauce and hope Costco continues to carry it.

We'll be using the second jar for Christmas...our first attempt at making a zucchini lasagna!  Oh and the recipe for our Celebration Baked Rigatoni meal will be posted soon after Christmas.

Hope everyone has a great Christmas if you're celebrating Christmas :-)

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