
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Our First Paleo Meal

We didn't plan this out, it just so happened I had some unexpected errands to run after work and the male half worked late.  While killing time waiting for him to finish at the office (in local terms - 'pau work') I decided to go to Costco to pick up the last of our holiday baking items.

I ended up picking up some ahi or tuna poke for dinner since I knew we'd be getting home late and I had at least 5 hours of baking ahead of me.  As we drove home I decided I would just feed the male half of this couple some poke (about 1/2 a lb) and a big plate of microwaved steamed broccoli and we'd have a Paleo meal!

No complaints from the male half about dinner but I was busy in the kitchen baking and I'm sure he got hungry before bed because I sure did!  Halfway through dinner I said "this is our first strict Paleo meal"...he said "yes, it is".  Other than that, no other comments from him...but he isn't one to spew out thoughts right away...he thinks about it and a lot of times the next day he'll share more.  So, I'm looking forward to hearing his thoughts on whether he liked having no starch with his meal.

I was so busy in the kitchen, I didn't even take pics of our dinner plates!

Dukan Update: Since we are still trying to lose weight (well, one of us is), our meals are Dukan first, Paleo if it can be.  We've both dropped another pound...yay!  I'm surprised since neither of us has had time to exercise since Sunday...three more days of baking and the holiday baking will be over.  Christmas should be interesting...we're determined to stay in Cruise on Christmas at our family dinner -- hopefully we'll have the will power to resist.  If I have energy, I will definitely make us some Dukan snack or dessert to munch on while everyone else is digging into sugar loaded desserts!

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