Friday, April 13, 2012

Dukan Pollo Asado en Cazuela

Pollo Asado en Cazuela

We loved this recipe!

Side note: It's been a crazy, busy week with unexpected get togethers with friends and the Merrie Monarch Hula Festival is on, so not a whole lot of cooking going on!   The Merrie Monarch is known as the "World Series" of Hula competitions with festivities throughout this week and ends with a 3 day hula competition.  We have our turkey ham recipe we'll try to post...hopefully by the end of the weekend.

Back to this Cuban dish!  It's not the most colorful dish, but it was very tasty.  As mentioned in previous posts, we love Cuban food and this recipe is similar to Chicken Fricassee in taste.  Since this recipe calls for 1/2 c. of sour orange juice, we've classified it a Consolidation and Stabilization recipe.

For the sour orange juice, we used 1/4 c. freshly squeezed orange juice mixed with 1/4 c. freshly squeezed lime juice.  We got this recipe from several blogs...most of the recipes call for the same ingredients but use slightly different cooking techniques.

This past weekend was supposed to be our mostly fish weekend but we ended up dining out a few times due to putting in some overtime at work, etc.

Serves 4-6 (the female half did a Pure Protein Day, so she ate more chicken than she normally would)
Prep Time: 10-15 minutes
Cook Time: approximately 45 minutes

6-8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs, fat removed
1/2 large red onion, sliced
3-6 cloves garlic, minced (we used 6)
1/2 c. sour orange juice (1/4 c. orange juice, 1/4 c. lime juice)
salt to taste (we used 1/4 t. since we're watching our sodium intake)
olive oil or nonstick spray
1/2 c. dry white wine
1 bay leaf
1 t. black pepper

In a large ziploc bag, mix the garlic, salt and sour orange juice.  Add chicken (we usually rinse and pat dry our chicken after removing most of the fat).  Marinade at least one hour (overnight if you can), we marinated ours for about 6 hours.

In a large pan (we used our stir fry pan) brown chicken on high heat, set chicken aside.  Lower heat to medium high, add onions to pan and saute for a couple minutes.  Deglaze pan with wine, then add marinade, bay leaf and pepper.  Add chicken back to pan and simmer for 25-35 minutes.  We simmered ours for about 35 minutes.

The chicken was tender and very tasty.  The female half had chicken only, the male half had his over brown rice.

Enjoy...we sure did!

1 comment:

  1. Wow your photos and recipes look amazing. I'm excited to follow you and try some of them out! You have great looking blog :)
